Monday, July 5, 2010

Mile Posts

Today the boys had their first point-to-point bike trip powered by their own two legs. There was the expected complaining: "I won't bike on a crushed gravel path!" and the delayed getting-shoes-on before we left. Once we started there were some mosquitoes to contend with, but they weren't the only wildlife we saw. We watched a hawk fly up from the path to a branch, then off the branch and over a field. Cranes walked slowly through a marshy field and many chipmunks scrambled for cover in their path-side holes when we came by. We passed horse farms and cattle and rows and rows of corn that are already looking like September. Raindrops spotted our t-shirts by the time we reached the half-way point, but by then Elliott had adapted a Justin Roberts song to fit his 5-year-old interest in all-things-potty (I won't repeat the lyrics here, though they were pretty mild) and was pedaling along in such a rhythm I don't think he even noticed. My dad and I took turns keeping up with Dietrich while my mom shuttled a car (and could clock a workout pace on her way back) and met us for a few miles in the middle. When we reached the end of the trail, just 10 miles east of Madison, we found a restaurant still serving breakfast (though only for 10 more minutes!).

I remember a time when a seven mile bike ride wouldn't be worth changing out of flip flops for. But watching the boys meet each new mile marker made it as much of an adventure as my first 50 mile ride. Way to go, guys! Now, why did it take you an hour to fall asleep? What more can we do?

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