Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pile up instruction

The skis aren't called KBoom for nothing. One boy trails his brother so closely that when the inevitable later afternoon fall happens, he is almost sat upon. But there are no pushes or cries, just giggles. Even when the mound of boys leads to some snow on the face I only hear laughter. The first one tries to get up, but with someone underneath him, he spills over again. Finally they both get up, their cheeks are pink with snow and warmth at the same time. Just minutes ago Elliott had been struggling to get up while I instructed him, "Parallel ski's, try being on your side, keep your feet under you, no not in front! Try again..." He wiggled his back into the snow and smiled at me. I jokingly went on ahead, "You're on your own!" and then the pile up happened. I thought I would be turning around, unstacking them, and pulling Elliott up. But instead a yellow jacket popped up, as if he had been doing it all day -- all his life. Where did this skill come from? How did he figure that out? Did he know it all along? It wasn't like I hadn't gone ahead before. But something about this time -- maybe the laughter? -- he put his feet under him and pulled himself to standing. Way to go, kid. Learning while laughing.

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